Founder & Curious Sponge

I facilitate

Sharing what I’ve learnt 


Lessons I’ve shared

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Will This Work? Testing & Validating Your Startup Idea

General Assembly #Lightbulb2Launch 2021

I did a validation workshop in front of hundreds of students.


SWITCH2020 (Singapore Week of Innovation & Technology)


I gave a talk on how to enter the Canadian Market.


The State of Product in AsiaPac

Mind the Product, APAC

Asia may be the future for many areas of business and culture, but in product it feels like most of the thought leadership is coming from Silicon Valley. #mtpcon Singapore brought together a panel of product leaders in Asia, led by Francois Le Nguyen, to discuss the growing tech scene in the region, and why the future of product management lives in AsiaPac.

General Assembly

General Assembly

General Assembly

I have taught 1-day product management workshops and 10-week bootcamps to over 1,500 students over the course of my 3+ years at General Assembly.